a pair of sunglasses with a pair of sunglasses on
a pair of sunglasses with a pair of sunglasses on
a black and white photo of a camera
a black and white photo of a camera
a beige couch with a beige couch and a white couch
a beige couch with a beige couch and a white couch
tshirt that represents items that can be bartered on our platform.
tshirt that represents items that can be bartered on our platform.
a laptop computer with a blue screen and a laptop
a laptop computer with a blue screen and a laptop
a logo for a company that is selling a new business
a logo for a company that is selling a new business

Discover the Bartering App that makes exchanging items easy.

a bicycle with a backpacker bag on it
a bicycle with a backpacker bag on it

100% Free to use app!

Download the app and get connected to local bartering and trade partners. It's like a dating app, but for things.

a phone screen showing a sign up to sign up to sign up
a phone screen showing a sign up to sign up to sign up

Click the join now button and get added to our beta testers list. Receive a personalized invite to use the app when it's made available. We appreciate your support and promise to never spam your inbox!

Sign up and get added to our BETA testers list!

a phone screen showing a log in the login login
a phone screen showing a log in the login login
a chest chest with a lock and a lock on it
a chest chest with a lock and a lock on it

Discover Hidden Treasures.

Swap Your Stuff!

It's like your favorite thrift store before it gets picked through.

a camera with a camera and a phone
a camera with a camera and a phone

Value Proposition

Instantly discover new-to-you clothing, art, electronics, sporting goods, and oddities of all kinds. Swapsies App empowers you to transform the value of your neglected items into belongings that you will cherish and use.

At Swapsies, we believe in the power of bartering to create a sustainable future. Our mission is to empower individuals to exchange secondhand items and contribute to a circular economy.

a white and orange s logo on a circular orange background
a white and orange s logo on a circular orange background

Contact Us

Have a question or want to get early access? Get in touch with our team.


+1 (512)253-1934